Hanging culture of the winged pearl oyster Pteria colymbus (Röding), in different hydrographic conditions and culture methods
Cultivo suspendido de la ostra perlera alada Pteria colymbus (Röding), en diferentes condiciones hidrográficas y métodos de cultivo
Caribbean Sea, winged oysters, shellfish farming, survival, coastal upwellingAbstract
he performance of the winged pearl oyster Pteria colymbus juveniles under suspended culture conditions was evaluate, including five culture methods and two seasons: upwelling and non-upwelling. Culture methods comprised enclosures confining the oysters: BTBC, BBO and BTO; and two other unconfined-oyster: OFOB and FNS. The initial shell height of the oysters ranged between
31–35 mm in both seasons. The increase in shell size and dry mass of soft tissues showed significant differences between seasons. Greatest growth occurred with the OFOB and FNS unconfined methods. The ANOVA II analysis showed significant differences between the variables obtained in both stations and culture methods. Principal Component Analysis showed that the interactions between the variables: temperature (inverse relationship), and UI, chl-a and POM (direct relationship) explained 89 % of the variability of the growth of the oysters. Given the
low survival rates, attributed to the presence of predators within the closed enclosures and the higher growth seen in the culture methods
without confinement, we recommend using the FNS and OFOB methods, taking advantage of the byssus produced by P. colymbus.
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