Quantitative and qualitative analysis of contaminating hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Santiago de Cuba by gas chromatography


  • Liliana Mesa Mesa Centro de Estudios Multidisciplinarios de Zonas Costeras CEMZOC, Facultad de Construcciones, Universidad de Oriente, Avenida de las Américas S/N, CP 90 100, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0979-6557
  • José Falcón Hernández Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Agronomía. Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0310-998X
  • Alexander Mulet De los Reyes Facultad de Ingeniería en Telecomunicaciones, Informática y Biomédica. Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9617-6849
  • Juan Ramón Castellanos González Centro de Estudios Multidisciplinarios de Zonas Costeras CEMZOC, Facultad de Construcciones, Universidad de Oriente, Avenida de las Américas S/N, CP 90 100, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3996-5964




Pollution,, Hydrocarbons,, Bay,, Gas chromatography


The coasts of Cuba are exposed to damage caused by the contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons. The coastal strip of the Gulf of Santiago de Cuba is an example of natural resources deterioration due to this contamination, which appears as one of its main
environmental problems. In the present work, using gas chromatography, quantitative and qualitative analysis were performed based on the retention time values and the area under the chromatogram curve, which allowed characterizing the degree of contamination at four points of the bay of Santiago de Cuba: playa La Estrella (P1), “Guillermón Moncada” Port (P2) “Hermanos Díaz” Oil Refinery (P3), “Antonio Maceo” Thermoelectric Power Plant RENTE (P4). Retention times of individual peaks in chromatograms of individual samples with several standards, thus obtaining the types of hydrocarbons present at each point, with points P2 and P3 being the ones with the highest pollutant and the highest concentration by peak height. Fuel oil turned out to be the most polluting agent present in the bay.






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How to Cite

Mesa Mesa L, Falcón Hernández J, Mulet De los Reyes A, Castellanos González JR. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of contaminating hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Santiago de Cuba by gas chromatography. Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];50(1):91-104. Available from: http://boletin.invemar.org.co/ojs/index.php/boletin/article/view/1017
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