Distribution, composition and abundance of Ichthyoplankton in three marine protected areas of the Colombian Pacific
Marine protected areas, Ichthyoplankton, Colombian Pacific, Fish larvaeAbstract
With the purpose of characterizing ichthyoplankton (composition by species, distribution and abundance), in three marine protected areas of the National Park System, (Sanquianga National Natural Park, Gorgona National Natural Park and Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary) in the Colombian Pacific During November 2009, scientific expeditions were carried out to obtain the samples using bongo nets, carrying out zooplankton trawls according to the methodology established by Smith and Richardson (1979), separated and counted the eggs, and identified fish larvae collected in the 300 micron network, based on its meristic, morphometric and pigmentation characteristics, down to the lowest possible taxonomic level. 3,155 fish larvae distributed in 1,553 larvae/10m2 (49.22%) belonging to 16 families, 24 genera and 33 species were captured for the Sanquianga PNN; 1,411 larvae/10m2 (44.72%) belonging to 29 families, 44 genera and 52 species for the Gorgona NNP and 191 larvae/10m2 (6.05%) belonging to 12 families, 18 genera and 21 species for the SFF Malpelo. The main families captured and representative of each area were Engraulidae (PNN Sanquianga), Bregmacerotidae (PNN Gorgona) and Photichthyidae (SFF Malpelo). The NMS community analysis was very consistent, showing that the location of the PNN Sanquianga (coastal), PNN Gorgona (intermediate) and SFF Malpelo (oceanic) areas, makes a clear difference in the composition, distribution and abundance of the larvae. The protected area of the PNN Sanquianga presented the highest abundances, followed by the PNN Gorgona. The SFF Malpelo presented the lowest abundances, probably as a response of the organisms to the high temperatures that occurred during November 2009, especially in this area, coinciding with what was reported by the Climate Alert Bulletin (BAC, 2009) of July 2009 that reports the development of an El Niño event, which lasted until the first quarter of 2010. Eggs of the family Engraulidae were found for the first time in the Malpelo area, probably as a result of possible alterations in the current system in the Colombian Pacific, where this family was able to move to unusual areas in its distribution.
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