Sea Turtles in the Bahía Málaga Conservation Mosaic, Colombian Pacific
Tortugas marinas en el mosaico de conservación Bahía Málaga, Pacífico colombiano
Eretmochelys imbricata, Chelonia mydas, in-water monitoring, Pacific OceanAbstract
The species and sizes of sea turtles present in the conservation mosaic of bahía Málaga are characterized during in water monitoring and voluntary surrender by fishermen in the area between 2016-2020. The registration of individuals was determined by in water monitoring, which was divided into three phases: exploratory sampling, continuous / adapted sampling, standardized sampling and voluntary deliveries by fishermen in their fishing operations. During the five years of monitoring, 107 hours of effort were expended. A total of 48 sea turtles among hawksbill (n = 34), black (n = 13) and olive ridley (n = 1) were recorded in the conservation mosaic of bahía Málaga. In the water monitoring, a total of eight turtles were captured, seven hawksbill turtles and one black turtle. A total of 41 sea turtles were delivered by fishermen among hawksbill (n = 28), black (n = 12) and olive ridley (n = 1). 92.7% of the turtles were caught with a monofilament mesh, while 4.9% were caught with a hooked hand line and one juvenile hawksbill turtle was caught by hand by a fisherman. 48 sea turtles were captured in the La Plata archipelago, between hawksbill (n = 34) and black (n = 13) turtles, the olive ridley turtle was captured outside the archipelago, in the Choncho sector. For the hawksbill turtle, 33 of the 34 turtles were juveniles and one was an adult female, the LCCmin size was (mean ± SD) 45.6 ± 12.9 cm (range 17.4 - 90.0; n = 29) , the LCCn-s was 46.2 ± 13.5 cm (range 17.6 - 90.5; n = 22), the ACC was 39.0 ± 9.3 cm (range 15.0 - 73.6; n = 34) and the weight was (mean ± SD) 11.2 ± 11.4 kg (range 3.8 - 69.0; n = 34). All the black turtles (n = 13) were juveniles and sub-adults, their LCCmin size was 65.7 ± 16.2 cm (range 36.2 - 90.3; n = 9) and the LCCn-s was 67.2 ± 14.7 cm (range 36.4 - 90.6; n = 11), the ACC was 62.8 ± 13.1 cm (range 36.4 - 90.6; n = 13) and the weight was (average ± SD) 35.8 ± 21.2 kg (range 3.8 - 69.0; n = 13). The olive ridley turtle individual was an adult male with CCLn-s and ACC of 63.5 cm and 68.5 cm respectively and its weight was 26.4 kg. Two of the 34 hawksbill turtles were found and reported dead by fishermen in their nets. One of the black turtles was captured and taken to Buenaventura port for its commercialization and the olive ridley turtle a few weeks after its release, it was sacrificed for consumption.
Our results contribute as a baseline for the knowledge of sea turtles from the inter-institutional and community effort, as an effective strategy for research and conservation in the conservation mosaic of bahía Málaga.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Karla G. Barrientos-Munoz, Maike Heidemeyer, Luis Fernando Ortega-Gordillo, Miller Valencia-Díaz, Carlos Andrés Hinojosa-Romero, Santiago Valencia-González, Héctor Javier Montaño, Maria Claudia Diazgranados, Juan Pablo Caldas, Edward Leonardo Sevilla-Dueñas, Randall Arauz, Cristian Ramírez-Gallego
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