Morfodinámica de una playa tropical macromareal: La Bocana, Costa Pacífica de Colombia

Published 2023-10-11
- beach morphology, coastal erosion, wave, tidal, morphological classification.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Constanza Ricaurte-Villota, Oswaldo Coca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This study analyzes the morphodynamics of La Bocana beach in the tropical Colombian Pacific, in a macro-tidal regime. The data were taken with a differential global positioning system to generate digital elevation models and beach profiles between 2014 and 2019. Subsequently, a morphodynamic classification was performed using the parameters of dimensionless fall speed and relative amplitude of the tides. The results indicated that the predominant beach types were dominated and modified by the tide: dissipative type (modified by tides, dominated by tides and erosive) and intermediate (modified by tides and non-erosive). Reflective profiles were observed in front of the beach (erosive season) in 2014 and 2015. Although the studied beach is located in the tropics, the results do not differ from those proposed for mid-latitude beaches. The results suggest the dominance of the tidal range in the determination of the morphodynamic states of the beach. This study shows that La Bocana beach has different spatio-temporal morphodynamic states, that is, there is no single representative beach state. 6 years of data show intra-annual (seasonal) variations or under certain environmental conditions (related to El Niño) which significantly change the beaches.
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