Assessment of techniques for the digestion and extraction of microplastics ingestion by marine zooplankton


  • Maria Isabel Criales Hernandez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Laura Sofia Coral Chamarro
  • Rafael Cabanzo-Hernández



Protocolos de extracción Microplasticos, zooplancton, , contaminación marina, Caribe colombiano


Marine pollution caused by microplastics (MPs) in the ocean has been very high in recent years, and their effects on zooplankton have been recognized. The crescent publications require review of the methodologies to unify the criteria of comparison. It is of great importance to establish unified techniques for the extraction methodologies of microplastics ingested by zooplankton to determine the abundance and characteristics of MPs. Databases were used to find specific techniques for the digestion of organic material from marine organisms, and four specific techniques were chosen for zooplankton degradation. The chosen techniques were evaluated in four aspects: 1) The efficiency of digestion was evaluated on zooplankton samples, 2) The efficiency of digestion in different duration and temperature conditions was assessed, 3) Evaluate the effect physics of digestions on microplastics, 4) Quantifying MPs from the ingestion rate. Fifty individuals were chosen from the most abundant groups corresponding to the families Paracalanidae, Corycaeidae, Oncaeidae, and the phylum Chaetognatha
were used. The best technique obtained was Md Amin et al (2020) with our modifications. The organic matter was totally degraded, not changes in the physic integrity of MPs were observed, and the ingestion rates were similarly reported for other authors in these organisms.






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How to Cite

Criales Hernandez MI, Coral Chamarro LS, Cabanzo-Hernández R. Assessment of techniques for the digestion and extraction of microplastics ingestion by marine zooplankton. Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];53(1):175-86. Available from:
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