Vol. 53 No. 2 (2024)
Research Articles

Actors involved in the recommendations of the fishing quota for anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in Peru

Pedro Ramiro Castillo Valderrama
Instituto del Mar del Perú
Marilú Bouchon
Instituto del Mar del Perú
Daniel Grados
Instituto del Mar del Perú
Renato Guevara
Instituto del Mar del Perú
Variabilidad de la estimación de biomasa por el método hidroacústico, las cuotas de captura total y las capturas de anchoveta por la flota pesquera.

Published 2024-07-02


  • Fishing quota, fishing season, hydroacoustic assessment, population dynamics, anchoveta biomass.

How to Cite

Castillo Valderrama PR, Bouchon M, Grados D, Guevara R. Actors involved in the recommendations of the fishing quota for anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in Peru . Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];53(2):9-28. Available from: https://boletin.invemar.org.co/ojs/index.php/boletin/article/view/1279


This article describes the actors involved in the recommendation of the Peruvian anchoveta catch quota prior to the fishing seasons of each region (north-central and south), as well as the bias associated with it. The data on biomasses, quotas, and landings correspond to the 2000-2022 period, while the recommendations for the total quota correspond to 2019-2022. For the north-central region, Imarpe recommends Produce an exploitation rate lower than or equal to 0.35. This is done through a decision table for four probable oceanographic environment scenarios, considering a remaining biomass to ensure sustainability. The compliance of Peruvian anchoveta catches quotas in the first fishing seasons has been higher than 90 %, while in the second fishing seasons, catches have even been less than 50 %, as in the case of: 2001, 2019, 2010 and 2017. Between 2019 and 2022, Produce opted for the following: i) with a quota lower than that recommended in the decision table (I-2021, II-2020, I-2019) and ii) with a quota higher than that recommended in the biomass of the decision table (I-2022, II-2021, II-2022, II-2019 and I-2020). The observation error is lower (0.10) for the summer surveys and higher (0.15) for the winter-spring (spawning biomass and hydroacoustic surveys).


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