Record and confirmation of the presence of the “tea mangrove” (Pelliciera benthamii) in Cispatá Bay in the department of Córdoba, Colombian Caribbean
Colombia, mangrove, morphology, Tetrameristaceae, conservationAbstract
A structural, morphological and environmental description of tea mangrove individuals (genus Pelliciera) is presented. The specimens studied were found in eight sectors of Caño Salado which is a preservation zone in the Cispatá Bay Management Plan, using monitoring plots of 500 m2 (20 m x 25 m). The reported samples presented characters consistent with the recently redescribed species Pelliciera
benthamii, found in forest relicts with a disperse spatial distribution. Reports of this species in the Cispatá bay are of great importance for the knowledge of the Colombian mangroves and to generate conservation and restoration initiatives that will have a positive impact on the
populations of Pelliciera mangrove trees currently in state of threat.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joaquin Antonio Torres Duque, Amanda Selene Rojas-Aguirre, Tania Carolina Hoyos-Ruiz, Juan Pablo Caicedo-García
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