Notas científicas
Publicado 2016-01-01
Palabras clave
- New record,
- Tube-dwelling,
- Berkeleya hyalina,
- Parlibellus berkeleyi,
- Colombian Caribbean
Cómo citar
Camacho O, Vidal LA. NUEVOS REGISTROS DE DIATOMEAS MARINAS FORMADORAS DE TUBOS EN EL CARIBE COLOMBIANO. Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 1 de enero de 2016 [citado 9 de marzo de 2025];40(2). Disponible en:
The marine mucilaginous tube-forming benthic diatoms Berkeleya hyalina (Round et Brooks) Cox and Parlibellus berkeleyi (Kütz.) Cox are reported for the fist time for the Caribbean coast of Colombian, in Santa Marta area. These two species were found infrequently growing as macroscopic colonies inhabiting shallow rocky substrata. The report of P. berkeleyi species is the fist for the Caribbean Sea.Descargas
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