Design of an oceanographic sampling network for the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Pacific of Colombia


  • Julio César Herrera Carmona Docente, Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Valle
  • Andrés Cuéllar Chacón
  • Alan Giraldo López



Español, Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Oceanography,, Sampling network, Geostatistics.


In order to generate inputs for the management of the Sanctuary, the Pacific Territorial Directorate of National Natural Parks began in 2006 a monitoring of oceanographic conditions in the area. Currently, this monitoring has a sampling network of only six stations located 0.93 km (0.5 nm) and 1.85 km (1 nm) from the island, so it is not efficient due to the reduced distance between stations, and
insufficient given the large extension of the Sanctuary. Therefore, a sampling network was designed based on Sea Surface Temperature
(TSM) data taken in situ and derived from the Modis-Aqua remote sensor. The spatial autocorrelation structure was analyzed through a
semi-variance function. The decision to choose the best sampling network among the different sizes was based on the dissimilarity between stations associated with the semi-variance model, on the variance of the prediction error, on the predominant pattern of marine currents during the annual cycle, and on aspects logistics related to the movement limitations of the vessels that carry out oceanographic monitoring in the SFF Malpelo. As a result of considering these variables, a sampling network was obtained with stations every 7.41 km (4 nm) , composed of eight new stations and six of the historical sampling network.






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How to Cite

Herrera Carmona JC, Cuéllar Chacón A, Giraldo López A. Design of an oceanographic sampling network for the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Pacific of Colombia. Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 17 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];50(2):91-112. Available from:
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