Sea level variation in the Caribbean of Costa Rica, Central America


  • Jose Valverde Universidad Nacional
  • Gustavo Barrantes Castillo Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



climate change, coastal erosion, tide gauge, time series, trend


One of the consequences of climate change is sea level change in coastal systems, which function as a baseline, where a variety of coastal processes operate at different time and space scales. The objective of the present research is to calculate the historic and current rate of sea level rise, from Limon tide gauge station’s data. Two methods were utilized for this purpose: Simple linear
regression analysis and time series decomposition; with the first method, a rate of 2.32 mm/yr of sea level change was obtained for the time period 1952 to 1968; with the second one, a rate result of 3.41 mm/yr which is consequent with the existing publications. In the current period (2009 – 2021) a rate of 4.18 mm/yr was obtained with the first method and 4.28 mm/yr with the second method. The results gathered confirm the existence of an upward trend in sea level rise in the studied region. This situation should be considered when studying the transformation taking place in the coast, such as the coastal erosion identified in some of the Costa Rican Caribbean zone.






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Gráfica de la regresión lineal simple para el período 1952 -1968.



How to Cite

Valverde J, Barrantes Castillo G. Sea level variation in the Caribbean of Costa Rica, Central America. Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 2 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];53(2):85-102. Available from:
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