Mediciones de la Fuerza de Blanco Ex Situ del pez espejo Selene peruviana : Ex Situ Target Strength Measurements of peruvian moonfish Selene peruviana
Published 2025-01-01
- Administración pesquera,
- Ambiente Marino
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Copyright (c) 2024 Naldi Susana Herrera Almirón, Luis La Cruz, Mariano Gutierrez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Target Strength (TS) measurements are fundamental to estimate the distribution and abundance of hydrobiological resources in hydroacoustic assessments. This study focuses on ex situ TS measurements of the peruvian moonfish Selene peruviana off the coast of northern Peru, specifically near Los Órganos beach during the fall of 2015. Using a Simrad EK60 120 kHz scientific split-beam echo sounder, we aimed to establish a log-linear relationship between the total length (LT, cm) of the peruvian moonfish and the backscattered acoustic energy (TS, dB re 1 m2). Our findings revealed an average ex situ TS of -48.96 dB for peruvian moonfish between 10.9 and 17.6 cm, with an average length of 13.77 cm, and a 95% confidence interval ranging from -50.10 to -48.06 dB. The model developed for the TS-Length relationship was TS120 kHz = 20 * Log10(L, cm) - 71.74 dB. These results hold significant importance for fish ecologists, fishery resource managers, and researchers alike.
Moving forward, there is a pressing need for a more extensive analysis encompassing a broader range of coastal fish species in similar studies. Such efforts will contribute substantially to our understanding of aquatic ecosystems and aid in more informed management decisions
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