Cryptobenthic fishes in the Uramba National Natural Park Bahía Málaga (Colombia), Tropical Eastern Pacific




cryptic ichthyofauna, Gobiidae, Labrisomidae, estuarine ecology, rocky reefs


Cryptobenthic fishes contribute significantly to the trophic dynamics of coastal ecosystems. This study aimed at determining the composition of this assemblage and testing if its structure differs temporally and spatially in the Uramba National Natural Park Bahía Málaga (Tropical Eastern Pacific). Fish assemblages were collected using artificial traps in three zones, between June 2008 and August 2009. Twenty-six fish species belonging 11 families were recorded. Gobiidae and Labrisomidae were the most representative families (species: 34.6 % and individuals: 66 %). Species richness and abundance increased in a gradient from the interior to the exterior of the park. Using multivariate statistic techniques, a spatial pattern in assemblage structure was identified with inner zone being significantly different from the mid and outer zones. Cerdale ionthans, Gobiosoma seminudum, Starksia fulva, and Gobulus hancocki were mainly responsible for this differentiation (> 59 % contribution). The use of artificial habitats to sample cryptobenthic fish proved to be an efficient way to identify an
overlooked part ichthyofauna using traditional sampling techniques and was also useful to compare the spatial variability of these assemblages. Comparisons with cryptobenthic fish assemblages in other biogeographic regions indicate that, due to their low species richness in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, these assemblages in both Colombia and Mexico show low functional redundancy and considerable differences in their
predominant trophic modes.






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How to Cite

Castellanos-Galindo GA, Medina-Contreras D, Lazarus JF, Cantera Kintz JR. Cryptobenthic fishes in the Uramba National Natural Park Bahía Málaga (Colombia), Tropical Eastern Pacific. Bol. Investig. Mar. Costeras [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];49(SuplEsp):119-36. Available from:
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