Variability of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) between February and June in the area restricted to industrial fishing at the start of the first fishing season of 2022

Published 2024-01-01
- juvenile anchovy, adult anchovy, distribution, shoal, acoustic descriptor, size structure.
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This study examines the distributional behavior of the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) in the area between latitudes 06° 00’ and 11° 59’ S during four research activities conducted by Imarpe from February to June 2022. This area was initially restricted in the first fishing season due to the high presence of juvenile specimens. The purpose was to observe the redistribution of anchovy to propose management measures for fisheries sustainability. During activities 1 and 2, a high concentration and abundance of anchovy were observed, while in activities 3 and 4, the anchovy dispersed, migrating towards areas away from the coast. This variability in distribution affected energetic
and morphometric descriptors, with high values during high concentrations and lower values when it was dispersed. In the coastal strip of the 55.56 km (30 nautical miles), there was an overlap of juveniles and adults, with normal somatic growth between activities 1 and 4. The
main modes in each activity were 8.5, 10, 9.5, and 10.5 cm, respectively. Biomass varied from 6.86 million tons in activity 1 to 3.00 million tons in activity 4, influenced by oceanographic conditions and chlorophyll-a productivity.
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